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Research, Initiatives & Fundings

NBRL-IIT Kharagpur, keeps a vision of "Translating Nanotechnology for Biotechnological Application" and continuously working in this aspect.

NBRL has taken several research initiatives with the focus of using nano-bio domains for the benefits of better livelihood:

Research initiatives - funding and support:

Dr. Ranjan's group NBRL is tirelessly focusing on developing the prototypes, protocols, and processes for better livelihood. He has significantly contributed in product development during his services at different organizations, few of them are as:

  • 3D printed bioresorbable cardiovascular stent for atherosclerosis 

    • Project Coordinator: Shivendu Ranjan

    • Funded by ICMR, MoH&FW, Govt of India​

    • Total Fund: 14.96 million i.e. 1.496 Crore INR

    • Preiod: 2024-2027

    • Collaborators - SCTIMST, Trivandrum (autonomous institute of DST, Govt of India)

  • Developing Human Bone mimetic 3D Bio-printed Organoid 

    • Project Coordinator: Shivendu Ranjan

    • Funded by SPARC, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India​

    • Total Fund: 12.54 million i.e. 1.254 Crore INR

    • Period: 2024-2026

    • Collaboratoring Institute: Johns Hopkins University, USA

  • Development of Nanofertilizer

    • Project Coordinator: Anupam Ghosh​

    • Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

    • Total Fund: Yet to be updated

    • Period: 2023-2027

  • Facility establishment for Advanced Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

    • Project Coordinator: Shivendu Ranjan & I. Chakraborty​

    • Funded by IIT Kharagpur

    • Total Fund: 49.99 million i.e. 4.999 Crore INR

    • Period: 2023-2026

  • Ligand functionalized TDD of Everolimus

    • Project Coordinator: Shivendu Ranjan​

    • Funded by SRIC, IIT Kharagpur

    • Total Fund: 2.50 million i.e. 2.5 Lakh INR

    • Priod: 2023-2025

  • Nanofibrous N95 facemask (R&D in 2018, pre-covid19 pandemic). Market name of product is SWASA [before joining IIT Kharagpur]

  • Single sided drug nanocoated Hernia mesh Product Name: easymesh [before joining IIT Kharagpur] 

  • Placebo and nanofiber coated drug loaded oral film Technology. Market Name: ThinOral Technology [before joining IIT Kharagpur]

  • Capillary based Multi-nozzle for electrospinning (WIPO & USPTO patent published) [before joining IIT Kharagpur]

  • Model drug (lipo- & hydro-philic) microencapsulated in food grade polymer [before joining IIT Kharagpur]

Teaching Initiatives:

After joining IIT Kharagpur, Dr. Ranjan is taking several initiatives in teaching. Few of them are as:

  • Introduced the new elective courses for UG,PG and Research Scholars - Nt61203: Nano-Pharmaceuticals: Engineering and Applications

  • Introduced a unique yet challenging quiz / class test and named as Open Books Open Gadgets (OBOG Test) 

  • Drafting a new M.Tech. curriculum considering the industrial revolution 4.0 and sustainability factors

  • Adopted flip classroom teaching methodology

Outreach & Admistrative Initiatives:

​The zeal and energy of Dr. Ranjan is also being used in administrative, outreach, and welfare initiatives, few of them are as:

  • Director's Nominee, Technology Students' Gymkhana, IIT Kharagpur from 2023

  • Founding Faculty Advisor of Think India IIT Kharagpur (student body registered in Technology Students' Gymkhana, IIT Kharagpur)

  • NSS

  • Warden

  • Elected Council Member, Indian Chemical Society Eastern Zone

From his student life till date, Dr. Ranjan has several initiatives in scientific outreach with a focus to make the science available for everyone. The first initiative Dr. Ranjan took was to conceptualize and initiate the first VIT-BioSummit in 2012, the institute is continuing this till date. In collaboration with NIT-Jalandhar, Dr. Ranjan has also drafted and founded the concept of ChemBioEn (first of its scientific meeting to bring Chemical, Biological, Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Engineers on a common platform). Recently, he was the Gujarat State-Coordinator of Biotechnology Biosciences Wing  and Organizing Secretary in Gujarat Vigyan Sammelan 2022, organized in Ahmedabad, Gujarat organized by Vigyan Gurjari and DST-Govt. of Gujarat. Likewise with his association with Indian Chemical Society (ICS), he has founded the North Chapter of this society for better inclusion of ICS in northern part of India.

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भारतीय प्रोद्योगिकी संस्थान खड़गपुर 

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Contact Us:
Tel: +91-3222-284984

Mob: +91-9566763718


Room Number: 722 (Office), 318 & 312 (Lab) Diamond Jubilee Building, SNST, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur - 721302, West Bengal, Bharat


© 2023 by NBRL Students, SNST, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur - 721302, WB, BH

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